The Hunger Games: Release v1.5

The Hunger Games: Release v1.5

What's New?

  • Completely re-made the map which is now over 3x bigger!
  • Increased amount of pickups to generate.
  • Increased amount of foliage to spawn.
  • Added the chance to have no fruit on foliage.
  • Moved player items closer to the hand if not local.
  • Major bugfixes.
  • Improved texture quality for grass to 4K!
  • Added water around the map.

This has been one of, if not the most significant update for The Hunger Games!  Of course, with a bigger map, improved textures, and increased spawn rates, you may not get as high of a framerate as you used to.  We hope you have fun playing on the new map!

Features coming in v1.6:

  • Player leveling/experience system!
  • Cosmetics!*
  • New biomes on the map!
  • More weapons!
  • More foliage!

* Still being decided if it will make it into the game or not.

One of the most important things in game development is to test it - over and over!  If I had not tested it, I would not have fixed a lot of the major bugs that are now gone from this version!  If one of my friends had not told me about their experience with the player controller, I would probably have left it at the Rigidbody controller, but I have found that the CharacterController approach is much better suited for the style of game this is.  I know that input from the player base/community is a huge role in the way that some games turn out, and I want this one to be the same!  If you have any bugs that you have found, or just any suggestions in general, put them in the comments, I would love to hear your input on the game!


The Hunger 71 MB
Aug 24, 2022

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